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  • Isabella Gomes

4/21/2021: Case Study - YouTube Ch 5

A case study of Chapter 5 from the book "YouTube" by Jean Burgess and Joshua Green

Diversity and Cultural Citizenship:

As YouTube continued to expand, more ordinary people begin sharing content onto the platform. This created a wide range of cultures and ethnicities on the app. YouTube fosters creativity and greater accessibility of participation. With this variety of content, regular people have access to millions of videos made by people from all over the world. Allowing them to watch, learn and appreciate different cultures and diversity. YouTube is a place where people can express their identities and interact with others, experiencing cultural differences.

Many people have been drawn to cultural growth as a result of the advantages of this participatory technology, which has expanded the number and diversity of producers. Programs like "Creators for Change" put together international youtubers to network and promote social causes. Noise continues to be prioritized by popularity logics. YouTube is proud of its success in putting together a diverse group of creators.

Globalization and Localization:

The greater YouTube's popularity grows, the more users from all over the world have access to the web. The public's reaction to the introduction of localization in 2008 was overwhelmingly negative. Since certain countries had not yet reached the program, their experience was focused on that of another country. Certain countries felt compelled to demand a YouTube version that was specifically tailored to their needs, causing much controversy. Many different versions of YouTube were then being distributed to various countries.

Following a survey, it was discovered that the general public believed that global YouTube had the best and most popular content. Individual use, social intimacy, and everyday creativity, as well as global intercultural connectivity, are all connected together on the network. Now, using automated technology, the company has increasingly adopted a range of content that has successfully transformed and reshaped the global cultural public domain.

YouTube as Cultural Archive:

YouTube is not only a repository of retro video material, but also a living and increasing record of Internet popular culture. The concept of YouTube as an archive has cultural significance, as it complements the more purposeful and highly specialized activities of state-based cultural archiving institutions. Rather than discovering new music, 76 percent of YouTube users prefer to listen to music they are already familiar with.

Many YouTube channels, such as HBO, re-upload old videos with clips from current events. This type of content has an impact on organizations like libraries, as YouTube makes it easier and quicker to access information. YouTube is gradually transforming into a public repository as a result of the large number of users who use the site for historical material. YouTube now has the duty of organizing and preserving the archive as a public benefit as the site evolves.

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