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  • Isabella Gomes

3/31/2021: Completed Table of Contents

Updated: Apr 26, 2021

Completed Table of contents:

The process of creating my magazine's table of contents was much more complicated than it may seem. I struggled on whether or not I should make a detailed and busy table of contents filled with text and pictures or if I should just keep it simple. It wasn't until recently that I decided to keep it simple and elegant. An audience visits the table of contents for one reason, to view what page the article they want to read is on. So, why not get straight to the point with it. Unlike my cover, I only revised my table of contents once and it required a lot of change. In my first draft below, I went with a blue theme and included five different images. The text was also a very light blue making it hard for an audience to read with a white background. In my second and final table of contents, I completely changed the layout and color scheme, the beige and black colors are more simplistic and appealing to the eyes. I also decided to remove the images and center the text, allowing audiences to quickly flip to the table of contents, view the page of the article, and start reading!

First Table of Contents:

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