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  • Isabella Gomes

2/10/2021: Planning the article

1. Who are you writing for?

The article's targeted audience includes but is not limited to beginning travelers who are looking for tips on how to successfully pull off a vacation or make it easier.

2. What is important to your audience?

It is important that my article includes relevant and essential traveling tips rather than just stating opinions or scarring them into not wanting to go on a vacation.

3. What news is currently trending?

With the pandemic outbreak currently going on, people world wide are being told to travel safely to prevent risking their own health and others. With all of this going on, travelers can look into this article for extra advice on how to remain safe and still have a good time.

4. How are you going to start?

I will start with selecting photos that are relevant to the topic my article will be discussing then research online in order to produce a helpful article. My article will include a big title and then a small heading explaining what will be discussed. I will then choose the layout that my 10 tips will be placed in and begin typing and editing.

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