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  • Isabella Gomes

1/19/2021 Critical Reflection: Question 1

how does your product use or challenge conventions?

My product represents the issue of traveling. Although this magazine, does not specifically challenge any conventions, it does cover a wide range of social, economic, and cultural issues when it comes to traveling in a variety of ways. The magazine is focused on travel and location, it also includes the economic issue on how to travel in a financially responsible way and the social/cultural issues on where to go and the cultural practices of the place you must be willing to interpret in order to fit in or enjoy your trip. The issues of traveling sound basic but are furthermore complex than you think. It ranges from how to save money to being socially welcomed into the place to where you should go culture-wise. This magazine challenges the way people portray traveling by expressing all the details and importance that comes with it.

how does your product represent social groups or issues?

My product represents families with an interest in traveling. For most families, traveling can be a very problematic subject. Many can’t agree on where to go, how much to spend or when the best time to leave is. The magazine provides help, tips, and suggestions in order to plan a perfect family vacation. This includes specific location descriptions, quality of food in some countries, a guide on how to travel in a financially responsible manner, etc. Positive information and photos help the magazine appeal to these families, causing them to have an even bigger urge to travel. My product uses a variety of techniques in order to engage its targeted audience and either supports their decisions or relieve their stress.

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